St. Paul's Intermediate

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Miderm Exam Schedule (January 27 to 31)

Please be advised that Midterm Exams are scheduled for the week of January 27 to 31 as per the schedule below.

Monday, January  27  (Science 8-Period 3, ELA 9- Period 4)
Tuesday, January 28 (Math 7-Period 3)
Wednesday, January 29 (Math 9- Period 1)
Thursday, January 30 (Math 8- Period 1)
Friday, January 31 (Science 9- Period 1)

Cell Phone Policy (Update)

Please take the time to read the updated Cell Phone Policy by selecting the link below.  It outlines the Expectations for the Use of Your Device.  

***Cell Phone Policy***

NL Schools- Parent/Family Responsibilities  

Attached below is a memo from Terry Hall, Superintendent of NL Schools with regards to Parent/Family Responsibilities as it relates to the Safe and Caring Schools Policy.  Please take the time to review this memo.

View Memo Here

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Mid-Term Exams

January 27 to 31

Semester 1 Ends 

Friday, January 31

Check out PSLC Website

Allergy Alert

Kiwi, Cherries, Fish (All Shellfish, Salmon & Tuna), Peanuts, Tree Nuts, and Pistachio Nuts (hazelnuts and almonds), Egg, Citris Peel, Latex and Scented Products are all not permitted in our building.